Charlotte Observer Sunday, May 9, 2004 North Carolina’s disappearing coast JACK BETTS RALEIGH – RALEIGH — North Carolina’s coast is disappearing. Each year, rising sea level gently floods more land in Eastern North Carolina as faraway glaciers melt. And every so often, relentless northeasters and ferocious hurricanes come along, pounding …
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Dioxin: A Global Health Problem – Fact Sheet from NC WARN
WHAT IS DIOXIN AND WHERE IS IT FOUND? Dioxin is one of the most potent man-made toxins currently known. It is the unavoidable byproduct of the manufacture, use and disposal of thousands of products containing chlorine, including PVC plastic, many pesticides and chlorine-bleached paper products. Various forms of dioxin and …
Carolina Solite Toxic Incinerator Victory
Stanly County citizens and their environmental allies gained a hard-won victory today when state environmental officials signed a deal with Carolina Solite for the company to give up its permit to burn hazardous waste.
Respiratory Disease Associated with Air Pollution – American Journal of Public Health
Thanks to Dr. Zell McGee for providing the overview of this study. The American Journal of Public Health published, “Respiratory Disease Associated with Community Air Pollution and a Steel Mill,” in 1989 by Pope, C.A., III. In a Utah county when a coal-fired industry that was inactive started up again, …