Slashing emissions of carbon dioxide by itself isn’t enough to prevent catastrophic global warming, a new study shows. But if we simultaneously also reduce emissions of methane and other often overlooked climate pollutants, we could cut the rate of global warming in half by 2050 and give the world a fighting chance.
Global Temperature Records
2016 was the third year in a row to set the average global temperature record. Of the 17 hottest years, 16 have occurred since 2000. The five hottest years have all occurred since 2010. Read the complete global temperature analysis for 2016 by the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration.
All News Categories
“Delay Means Death” — CNN
Southern utilities fiddle with inadequate emissions cuts as Earth burns — Facing South
Editorial: Climate change remains the greatest crisis of our crisis-filled era — Los Angeles Times
Editorial: Climate change is just as real as COVID-19. Now’s the last, best chance for our government to treat it that way — LA Times
There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic is the crisis of the moment, and a terribly serious one at that, threatening not only human lives but also the global economy. But it’s not the only crisis the world is facing, and we ought not, while confronting the immediate menace, disregard the other immense threat looming over us: global warming.
Earth just had its hottest June on record, on track for warmest July — The Washington Post
‘Not too late, but it soon may be’: Cooper urges Congress to lead on climate change — News & Observer
Cooper allowed permitting for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, which would carry natural gas from West Virginia through Virginia and North Carolina. The pipeline has been delayed several times and mired in controversy, about its cost overruns, its environmental impacts and Cooper’s role in negotiating with its developer.