North Carolina faces severe challenges that require a new relationship between Progress Energy and the public. CEO Bill Johnson should help launch the massive national effort needed to avert an unprecedented catastrophe.
Sea-Level Rise
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Forecast For Big Sea Level Rise: U.S. Media Fails on Another Big Climate Story – BBC
Sea levels could rise by up to one-and-a-half metres by the end of this century, according to a new scientific analysis. This is substantially more than the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) forecast in last year’s landmark assessment of climate science.
North Carolina residents need straight talk from Duke Energy — Herald-Sun
Op-Ed by Jim Warren. Climate change is causing extensive damage at an accelerating rate. Oxfam International reports that weather disasters have quadrupled in 20 years with a quarter billion people impacted annually.
Synopsis of Recent Scientific Findings on Global Warming – A Statement by NC WARN
Despite a well-funded public relations offensive by polluting industries, by 2001 scientific consensus was solid: Rising global temperatures are primarily caused by burning fossil fuels. Since then, evidence is mounting that 1) global warming is advancing rapidly; 2) rising temperatures are driving extreme weather; 3) the rate of warming is accelerating at a disturbing pace; and 4) we are rapidly approaching a point of no return.
NC’s Disappearing Coast – The Charlotte Observer
Charlotte Observer Sunday, May 9, 2004 North Carolina’s disappearing coast JACK BETTS RALEIGH – RALEIGH — North Carolina’s coast is disappearing. Each year, rising sea level gently floods more land in Eastern North Carolina as faraway glaciers melt. And every so often, relentless northeasters and ferocious hurricanes come along, pounding …