New filings show Duke-Progress risking corporate death spiral by ignoring rapid US shift toward solar, wind, energy storage… Duke Energy and subsidiary Progress Energy yesterday filed long-range plans to stick with a 20th-century business model.
Duke's 15-Year Plan
Duke Energy’s Integrated Resource Plans (IRPs) are the 15-year plans the corporation must submit to the NC Utilities Commission every 2 years. From 2013 to 2015, NC WARN published A Responsible Energy Future for North Carolina, a clean alternative to Duke’s IRPs. In 2017, engineer Bill Powers analyzed the state’s electricity generation and proposed a cleaner path. Learn more about Bill’s NC Clean Path 2025 report. In 2021, Bill reviewed Duke’s IRPs, finding cost distortions and misleading reports of how much power is available — all serving to advance Duke’s case for building new gas at a time when climate change demands rapid decarbonization and when solar paired with storage is beating gas on both economics and reliability. Learn more and tell the Commission to reject Duke’s 2020 IRP.
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Discrepancies in Duke Energy’s 20-year Plan Require Full Hearing, Cross Examination — News Release from NC WARN
In a motion filed yesterday, NC WARN, Greenpeace and the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League thanked the NC Utilities Commission for its May 10 order questioning Duke’s compliance with state rules requiring “the least cost mix of generation and demand‑reduction measures which is achievable” and called on state regulators to schedule full hearings over discrepancies between statutory requirements, Duke’s official filings and public statements made by CEO Jim Rogers.
N.C. Utilities Commission Challenges Duke Energy on Long-Term Plan
Greenpeace, NC WARN and NC Interfaith Power and Light thank the North Carolina Utilities Commission for challenging Duke Energy to provide an explanation for why the company is not pursuing energy efficiency and renewable energy that would result in lower rates for North Carolina’s families and small businesses.
Duke Energy Plans 20 Years of Rate Hikes, Climate Destruction, Risky Nukes – and Almost No Solar, Wind and Energy Savings – News Release from NC WARN
As Duke Energy continues its six-year PR campaign touting CEO Jim Rogers’ concerns about climate change and North Carolina’s economic health, long-range plans filed this month with state regulators contradict his professions. The plans reflect serial rate hikes to pay for an aggressive expansion of generating plants, and high carbon emissions for the next two decades.
Large Power Plants Sit Idle in North Carolina while Duke Wants to Raise Rates to Build New Ones – News Release by NC WARN
Duke Energy has a hefty surplus of generation capacity; it should promptly retire at least one newer coal-burning plant and stop trying to build nuclear reactors.
NC WARN News Release
Too Much Baseload Legal Brief