The Durham Youth Climate Justice Initiative conceived of this project idea so as to creatively maintain community engagement during our Stay-At-Home order. The objective was to feel more connected through art and storytelling and to get a sense of how our local communities and environment have been impacted by the Coronavirus, in both negative and positive ways.
Public Interest Groups Unite to Form Duke Energy Watchdog — News Release from Duke Energy Accountability Coalition
A coalition of public interest, social justice, watchdog and environmental groups are joining forces to hold Duke Energy, the largest investor-owned U.S. electric utility, accountable for its policies, which impact almost 8 million Americans in six states – and by extension, impede the nation’s progress toward a clean energy future.
NEW REPORT: Former Energy Exec Warns Dominion, Duke Investors to Abandon High-risk Gas Pipeline — News Release from Friends of the Earth and NC WARN
An analysis by former energy executive Thomas Hadwin released today shows that rapidly changing energy markets, new legislation in Virginia, a surplus of gas across the region, and climate impacts of fracked gas are among the reasons Dominion Energy and Duke Energy should stop trying to build the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP).
Greenhouse emissions from gas higher than industry estimates — IEEFA Podcast
If only 3% of gas produced is leaked, gas is worse for the climate than coal. Yet it’s more than 3%. BP says it’s 3.2%. And a recent study of the Permian Basin found that 3.7% was lost in the production process. What’s this telling us? This is the gas industry’s ‘Volkswagen’ moment.
Renewables surpass coal in U.S. power generation throughout the month of April 2020 — IEEFA
In a first for any month, renewables generated more electricity than coal on every day in April, new data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) shows.
Renewable Energy — News & Observer
Letter to the editor by Betsy Bickel. We need to shift rapidly away from all fossil fuels to renewables which are safer, cheaper and create more jobs.
As the cost of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline soars, renewable energy is the better option for NC — News & Observer
The Atlantic Coast Pipeline is a long way from being constructed, but it’s already proving a leaky conduit for cash.
Youth, Impacted Communities Lead Call for North Carolina Governor to Declare Climate Emergency — NC WARN News Release
More than 70 youth, social justice, clean energy and faith groups, among others, today called on North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper to join more than 1,400 local and national governments by formally declaring a climate emergency.
Duke, Dominion, Southern won’t hit clean energy targets at current pace — Utility Dive
Duke Energy, Dominion Energy and Southern Company are not making investments consistent with their clean energy goals, according to a report released Monday from Synapse Energy Economics.
More Science Shows Duke Energy’s Huge Fracked Gas Expansion is Disastrous for Climate — News Release from NC WARN
A new study published in the British journal Nature has dramatically boosted earlier evidence that the accelerated use of “natural” gas by U.S. electricity corporations is a key driver of the climate crisis that has belatedly gripped the public’s attention.